





(左)福的面相移植Ⅱ The Face Transplant for Representation of Good Fortune Ⅱ

(右)壽的面相移植Ⅱ The Face Transplant for Representation of Longevity Ⅱ

162×130 cm 印章蓋印於畫布Seal stamped on canvas 2015 



(Left)The thick and fleshy earlobe indicates the endingless wealth and nobility.  Extending the earlobe in the traditional way with the hope to have the look with wealth.  By using the abstract characters to discover the perfect way of duplication instead of painting, and through the multiple layers of faces to review and explore the inner essence.

(Right)The God of Longevity is with high forehead and long beard, both eyebrows drapping to the chest which indicates longevity.  Tying the hair bun on top of the head to reveal the forehead and using white tape to present the long eyebrows and beard of the God which displays the look of casual happiness and kindness .  During the repeated transferring process between the senses of sight and touch, to confront what oneself reveals and conceals.

04祿的面相移植Ⅱ  162×130 cm 印章蓋印於畫布 2015-horz.jpg

(左)祿的面相移植Ⅱ The Face Transplant for Representation of Prosperity Ⅱ

(右)帝王術Ⅱ Imperial Art Ⅱ

162×130 cm 印章蓋印於畫布Seal stamped on canvas 2015 



(Left)Rebuilding the ideal look of oneself through a seies of theoretical transplantation and forming the image of being talented and promoted by making the ancient Chinese master's hat with water ladle.  Defining a clear scope of liability with the ownership symbol of the seal to discover the possibility of non-distortion transplantation.  At last, generating the exquisite taste of the 8-bit picture or Mosaic effect.

(Right)To imitate the Chinese Emperor with all powers, fames and fortune.  The Chinese Emperor's crown and drapping beads with clothes hanger and clothes chain to exhibit the  supreme Emperor's image as well as the original absurdity of a human being's life that is doomed randomly.



細部(Deteil of Pic)


01女痣吉相圖 162×162 cm 油彩、畫布 2014 .JPG

女痣吉相圖Facial Mole Fortune- Telling Map, Female Figure 162×162 cm 油彩、畫布 2014 


The physiognomy considers the face of everyone conceals the fortune code.  According to the meaning of facial moles in the folklore, this work eliminates all moles for bad signs and keeps all the ones for good signs, such as wealth, nobility, fortune, prosperity and longevity...etc.  The dot stickers in large size to intimate moles on face with the round shape to enhance the lucky effect of good moles.


17含白牡丹的緯小寶 直徑50cm 油彩、畫布 2017.jpg

含白牡丹的緯小寶Wei Xiaobao with white peony 直徑50cm 油彩、畫布 2017


With the eloquent image of Wei Xiaobao, playing a dress up game in reality that is so illusory.  Holding a peony that represents wealth in the mouth, posting the gestures like flowers, blooming wealth and beauty implicitly.


18含紫牡丹的緯小寶 直徑50cm 油彩、畫布 2017.jpg

含紫牡丹的緯小寶Wei Xiaobao with  purple peony 直徑50cm 油彩、畫布 2017


Holding a peony which represents wealth in the mouth to display the eloquent image of Wei Xiaobao.  While shifting the roles, hiding part of the reality and exhibit part of it.  The blurry eyes with postures, flicking in the purple mystery, are charming as flowers.



參展藝術家:簡義棋 陳傑強 蔡譯緯


時間:09:00-17:00 全年無休(除夕休館)

電話:03-9229000 # 8501





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