
§ 宇宙系列 §

每個人都擁有一個宇宙。                                                                                                                        回家鄉的路變得更長了,時常抬著頭看星星和月亮,思考如何將這美麗的星空,拉回城市天際,運用房子物件與夜空做一個結合,拼湊出零星的童年記憶,一顆顆星星連結為房屋,像是星座神話的組成,這些物件暗示著時間的逝去,宇宙的孤寂是沒有道理的,也沒有邊境,熱愛自己的身上的每一種平凡,就能和宇宙對話,長大後才發現家人在擁有我們以後就沒有自己的城堡了,他們就像星星,永遠守護著孩子的夢想,所以「家」的形象如神話般重要的存在。在此系列創作中的星空所組成的家,是遠方家人的守護,也是我對於家人與家鄉的祈願與想念。  Everyone has its own universe.
After working in other cities, the road to my hometown has become longer. I usually stare at the stars and the moon in the sky, thinking about how to bring this beautiful starry sky to the skyline of the city. Combining the house and the starry sky to build my childhood memory. Each star is connected to become a house, just like a construction of the myth of constellation. These objects imply the passing time.
The loneliness of the universe is unjustified and infinitely, but I believe as long as I cherish every single ordinary of my own, I could communicate with the universe.
After growing up, I noticed that my family no longer had their own castle when having us. They acted like stars and protected their children's dreams. Therefore, the existence of the image of "home" is as important as the myth.
The home composed among this series of star represents not only the protection from my remote family but also my wish and miss to my family and hometown.  


8. 《著迷怪獸》,2017,壓克力畫布,35×27cm.jpg



9. 《許願》,2016,壓克力畫布,27×22cm.jpg



10. 《和宇宙對話》,2017,油彩畫布,60.5×50cm.jpg



11. 《當星空靠向海》,2017,油彩畫布,41×31.5cm.jpg



12. 《給你一座島會不會更好》,2017,油彩畫布,41×31.5cm.jpg



13. 《抵岸》,2017,油彩畫布,27×22cm.jpg






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